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Eskawata Kayawai: The Spirit of Transformation

An interview with film director Lara Jacoski about how the Amazon transforms the spirit In the north of Brazil, in the state of Acre, lives one of the country's indigenous tribes - the Huni Kuin. This tribe is increasingly popular in the Western world, for its songs, its culture of so-called "alegria!" everyday joy, and its connection and work with [...]

Wisdom of the Amazon

As part of the festival of South American culture Merkado 2022, there was a discussion on the Wisdom of Amazonia, moderated by Eva, which also featured Lucie. We are therefore sharing a recording of this discussion of experts and coordinators of projects dedicated to the theme of the rainforest. "The traditional tribes of South America are one of the most visited areas, not only for the natural wealth they [...]

Climate Conference: The Paradox of the First Victims

Human activity has already disturbed nearly 75 percent of the Earth's surface and placed approximately one million animal and plant species on the endangered species list. Representatives of traditional cultures fear that the Glasgow climate conference has made no difference to the "war on nature" and has only confirmed the existing disconnect between the proclamations of world leaders and the bare reality. At the turn of October and November [...]

Mother Earth Screams, or the Dubious Commercial Goals of the Bolsonaro Government

A grim force is still rising against the "Rainha da Floresta ( Queen of the Rainforest )", as the spirit of the Amazon rainforest is sometimes called in Brazil. More and more people all over the world are becoming interested in the Amazon and its "spirits", and the Indians are bringing the wisdom of their teachings to their white brothers. Many of the words of the indigenous people point to the teaching of "conscious taking and giving", which means that when [...]

Amazon Taitas are fed up with scammers

Ten respected shamans have joined forces to prevent the invasion of imposters and charlatans who threaten their traditions. This is their manifesto. Before more [...]

White Sage – Queen of Purity

White Sage (Salvia apiana) is one of the most sacred Native American medicinal and ritual herbs for strengthening prayers, purification and calling the spirits of sacred plants. Sage is suitable for ceremonial, protective, cleansing and strengthening fumigation.

Message from Mamos, holy men of the Kogi tribe

Message from Mamos, holy men of the Kogi tribe

Here is a message from the Mamos ( Holy Men, "shamans" of the Kogi people) . This report was written for the meeting and prayer for Mother Earth, which took place yesterday, 28.3.2020

MotherEarth gathering 2020

Our Mother Earth Delegation

Dear friends, please share this post so that it reaches as many people as possible from all parts of the world.On Saturday, March 28th, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm our time, there was a meeting of elders from all over the world with the intention of fulfilling the prayer of Mother Earth. It was originally intended to be a closed meeting in physical form, but ended up being an online meeting via screen, [...]

Mapacho – Pasha Dume Pae

We have returned from Brazil and would like to share with you a little more about the Pataxó Indians who live on the Atlantic coast and their main medicine is Rapé!

Meeting with the Pataxó Indians

We have returned from Brazil and would like to share with you a little more about the Pataxó Indians who live on the Atlantic coast and their main medicine is Rapé!