Iansã is a goddess who reflects the element of wind and the wind within her. Her contact with us is the same as the wind, sometimes she dances lightly across the sky and caresses our face, other times she flies into our lives like a tornado to shatter all our constructs of the mind, to challenge us to change and guide us to return to deep spiritual truths. As Iansã herself knows best, all of these deep spiritual truths are hidden in the eye of the hurricane, where we can only get to when we allow ourselves to be engulfed by the archetype that Iansã represents and find a place of true peace and acceptance in the process of surrender.
Iansã guides us to a place of truth and acceptance by using chaos to stir up the old structures and expose all the untruths in our lives. Her sacred lightning bolt, which cuts through the sky, directs a bright light to where our soul is to go on its spiritual pilgrimage.
Iansã is one of the most powerful Orixá. Because of her deep contact with truth and light, she is the one who helps lost souls find their way to the Great Spirit after death. She is the one who rules over the souls who are on their way to heaven, to the light.
Iansã is the very strength, the bravery, the truth. She is the one who restores reality to the order of things and can summon and subdue chaos itself. She teaches women how to become truly free and how to protect their space well with clear boundaries.
Because she is also a great warrior, she holds a sword and a buffalo tail (eruexim) through which she has control over the dead. It is Iansã who can help open a channel of communication with those who have already left the physical shell.
Iansã is the one we call upon to purify our darkest places, to uncover the undiscovered, to better know our weaknesses and strengthen them through the alignment of our thoughts and our spiritual path. We call upon this goddess when we need deep cleansing or help in life changes.
How to connect with the energy of Iansã?
- You can think about how courageous you are: can you stand for the truth in your life? Can you surrender to change and always befriend it? Can you find something good in every experience and use it to change yourself ? Can you surrender to the process of purification?
- In nature, the Iansã archetype can be encountered at night in open places where the wind rules.
- Iansa colour: red, brown
- Herbs: chamomile, lemon balm, calendula, honey, corn
- Day: Wednesday
Greetings to Orixá Iansã, who we use and call upon her power:
Eparrey Iansã!

Orixás statues tradition in Brazil
Orixás statuettes can be found not only in Brazilian households that practice the Afro-Brazilian religion of Umbanda, but also in families that do not participate in these rituals, but believe in the power of Orixás to represent the forces of nature and to represent male and female archetypes. We can have Orixás at home that we identify with or, conversely, by acquiring a statue of a particular Orixás, we contact the qualities and abilities we would like to have. It is good to know that there are several Umbanda lineages in Brazil, and so it is possible that the information we bring you that we have encountered in central Brazil will be slightly different in other parts of Brazil. There are sometimes differences of opinion, for example, about the colour of the candles that are lit by individual Orixás - for example, Ogum is sometimes blue, sometimes red. Therefore, if you use Orixás statues for your rituals and energy work, we recommend that you take our recommendations as inspiration, but ultimately it is you who develops your intuition and defines how you honor your Orixás.
How to work with Orixás archetypes for your personal development
The characteristics of the individual Orixás and the archetypes they represent easily lead to projections in meaning: This Orixá will help me win love, another will give me courage. And to some extent, that's okay - Orixás give us the strength and the necessary approaches to deal with our life situations. However, it is the underlying perception that leads us to animism.
We, in working on ourselves, offer you an approach to Orixás as impulses that come into our lives and show us something essential. They teach us on a moral and spiritual level.
"When we imagine that we are walking on the path of our lives, Orixá is like a horse that appears on the path and invites us to ride. When we agree, it adds another dimension to our life's journey."
If you're serious about studying Umbanda and Orixás, get yourself a white outfit, which is typical of Brazilian umbandistas. White symbolizes peace, purity and positive energy.
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