Orixá Oxóssi

1,777  incl. VAT

Orixás statuettes can be found not only in Brazilian households practicing the Afro-Brazilian religion of Umbanda, but also in families that do not participate in these rituals but believe in the power of the Orixás, who represent the forces of nature and also represent male and female archetypes.

The Oxóssi is the one who carries the archetype of the hunter, the protector of the forests and woods, the Orixá, who is connected to his ancestors who lived in the forests. He himself is the master of the forest, the one who guards and protects it. He is the one who brings growth to all that is good and abundant.
He brings a quality of connection with nature and the ancient wisdom of the forests, teaching us that our oldest library of wisdom is within the forest and with the people who have lived in the forest for centuries, the Indians. He is the one who hits with one arrow , everything that needs to be pointed out and never misses, his intelligence and speed is a gift from the Great Spirit.

He is the one who brings courage and love of nature and knowledge of its wisdom into our lives.

Okê Arô, Meu Pai!

Height: 31 cm
marble flour, plaster, resin

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Oxóssi is a god who is called the warrior of one arrow because he never misses. He is the one who is fully attuned to nature and all its aspects, the reflection of the sun, the strength of the winds and the distance of the object in the field and thanks to this, he is the king of the forests and woods and hits every object. He is the one who carries the quality of a winner and when he aims, he never misses. Therefore, he represents the guardian of the hunt and protector of game and nature.

He is the one who teaches us the courage of the heart, thanks to the wisdom of the forests that is hidden in his heart and consciousness. Oxóssi knows the magic of the forest, of all the creatures and animals that live in it, and the power of all the herbs and trees. He is the one who can teach us the wisdom of plants, how to connect with them and learn to use them in accordance with their essence.

It helps us to aim and set our course clearly for self-realization, teaching us to aim our consciousness and thoughts in the same way that Oxóssi can aim an arrow at his target. It guides us on the path of self-realization to be courageous and listen to the wind and guidance. Listening to the knowing heart that has long known the right path and direction and knows where our steps lead.

The doctrine of Oxóssi is the quality of the territory, the recognition of one's space, boundaries and the creation of a territory and so equally respect for the other's space. It teaches us to be in tune with the space and all that lives in it, just as nature can be in tune and intertwined into one organism and yet each tree retains its individuality.

Many people invoke Oxóssi for success in their path, success in the material world. To combat negative energy that is contrary to the flow, and growth of life. Just as nature nourishes itself with each other, this Orixá teaches us how to nourish ourselves, our projects and plans with good thoughts and create energy arrows in our mental space that will hit our targets in the material world and we become a warrior of light with a courageous heart.

He is the one who is deeply in touch with the laws of nature and the natural rhythm of nature. One who can teach us about the quality of receiving and surrendering, the sun and the moon, the tides, the rhythms of nature that are also within ourselves. 

Oxóssi is the one we call upon when we need to lift our hearts, courage and become a warrior of goodness and truth, to use our consciousness as an arrow to guide us to our goal that is good and harmonious for all and sundry. It teaches us how to become part of one organism and maintain our individuality, how to be wise and connected to everything around us, and through this we learn more and more every day about the world and its laws. 

How to connect with the Oxóssi energy ?

  • You can think about how courageous you are: can you channel energy in your life and complete the realization? How do you feel connected to the rhythm of nature ? Can you trust the guidance of your heart and let yourself be led through the signs on your path?
  • In nature, the Oxóssi archetype can be found in all the forests and woodlands that are its home.
  • Oxóssi colour: green
  • Herbs: mint, rosemary, lavender, fern, moss, forest herbs and Maestro planutas
  • Day: Thursday

Salutations to Orixá Oxóssi, which we use and invoke its power:

Okê Arô, Meu Pai!

Saravá - Orixá Oxóssi altar statue

Orixás statues tradition in Brazil

Orixás statuettes can be found not only in Brazilian households that practice the Afro-Brazilian religion of Umbanda, but also in families that do not participate in these rituals, but believe in the power of Orixás to represent the forces of nature and to represent male and female archetypes. We can have Orixás at home that we identify with or, conversely, by acquiring a statue of a particular Orixás, we contact the qualities and abilities we would like to have. It is good to know that there are several Umbanda lineages in Brazil, and so it is possible that the information we bring you that we have encountered in central Brazil will be slightly different in other parts of Brazil. There are sometimes differences of opinion, for example, about the colour of the candles that are lit by individual Orixás - for example, Ogum is sometimes blue, sometimes red. Therefore, if you use Orixás statues for your rituals and energy work, we recommend that you take our recommendations as inspiration, but ultimately it is you who develops your intuition and defines how you honor your Orixás.

How to work with Orixás archetypes for your personal development

The characteristics of the individual Orixás and the archetypes they represent easily lead to projections in meaning: This Orixá will help me win love, another will give me courage. And to some extent, that's okay - Orixás give us the strength and the necessary approaches to deal with our life situations. However, it is the underlying perception that leads us to animism.

We, in working on ourselves, offer you an approach to Orixás as impulses that come into our lives and show us something essential. They teach us on a moral and spiritual level.

"When we imagine that we are walking on the path of our lives, Orixá is like a horse that appears on the path and invites us to ride. When we agree, it adds another dimension to our life's journey."

If you're serious about studying Umbanda and Orixás, get yourself a white outfit, which is typical of Brazilian umbandistas. White symbolizes peace, purity and positive energy.

Learn more

Weight 1000 g
Dimensions 25 × 25 × 35 cm


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