Orixá Oxalá - small statue

1,555  incl. VAT

Orixás statuettes can be found not only in Brazilian households practicing the Afro-Brazilian religion of Umbanda, but also in families that do not participate in these rituals but believe in the power of the Orixás, who represent the forces of nature and also represent male and female archetypes.

Oxala is the father of all Orixá and the forces of nature. He is the god who brings the quality of purity and reverence. He is the one who created the universe and all the forces of nature. He symbolizes our belief in the Great Spirit and the place spirituality has in our daily lives and every thought. He is the one who brings wisdom, patience and faith. He is the one who uplifts and lifts our eyes to deeper values and gives wings of faith and hope to our lives.

This Orixá is a symbol of heaven, light, peace and creation that emerges from an inner belief in a higher order.

Oxala Baba!

Height: 18 cm
marble flour, plaster, resin

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Oxala is an aspect of creation from a higher, celestial order, representing the creator of all natural elements and all that is good and pure and harmonious. The Oxalá carries within him the archetype of the father and also the son, the qualities of old age, wisdom and insight, but also the strength in creation and the struggle for goodness and the path to light.

He is the one who can also bring the quality of the Father to the people of planet Earth. A protector who guides us on our spiritual journeys, to understanding and deeper teachings of goodness. He is the one who rejects any quarrels and ambiguities. He guides us with his doctrine and teachings to always have order and clarity, both in life and on our spiritual path.

In many traditions, the name Oxala is described as meaning "if the Great Spirit so desires" in the original translation, and this is indeed what this Orixá itself represents. It carries the symbol of full surrender to a higher power that is above us and guides us on our journey through life. With the Oxalá we explore in depth the quality of surrender in all its breadths, a surrender to the aspect of goodness and guidance where we no longer pursue our path of ego and wanting, but instead surrender to the Higher Spirit, the creator. We become an instrument of the higher whole, in truth and in light.

Oxalá, is an accepting, loving and peaceful Orixá, therefore she is the one who often opens the door to the world of Umbanda and is among the first Orixá that an initiate into this mystery encounters. He harmonizes our shadow and light sides, bringing the teaching that everything within us and that which we fear is in fact light. He guides us to emotional balance and the right choices for ourselves and our community.

He is the representative of a pure ray of light that intersects our consciousness and by its very presence in our mind and heart, uplifts our inner space.

It represents the air that surrounds us in this world, it is in every space and every place, it is the ether. He is the one who surrounds our head with the "Orí" and puts the crown on it.

Oxala is the one we call upon, for our consciousness to enter into light and truth in equality with the Great Spirit. He is the one who teaches us to find harmony and peace. He brings perspective to all shadowy subjects and points out that there is light and goodness in everything, even in the air that surrounds us and that we breathe in and out every second.

Oxala is the one who is all around us and guides us on our journeys to light, goodness and love.

How to connect with the Oxala energy ?

  • You can think about how calm you are and how you can stay in your center of consciousness: can you stand for the truth in your life? Can you surrender to a higher principle and consciousness? Can you find something good in every experience and use it to change yourself?
  • In nature we can with the archetype of Oxalá, leads where you touch the earth, because he is the Orixá who created the earth.
  • Oxalá colour: white
  • Herbs: basil, rosemary, laurel, lemon balm, cotton flowers
  • Day: friday

Salutations to Orixá Oxalá, which we use and invoke its power:

Oxala Baba!

Saravá - Orixá Oxalá altar statuette

Orixás statues tradition in Brazil

Orixás statuettes can be found not only in Brazilian households that practice the Afro-Brazilian religion of Umbanda, but also in families that do not participate in these rituals, but believe in the power of Orixás to represent the forces of nature and to represent male and female archetypes. We can have Orixás at home that we identify with or, conversely, by acquiring a statue of a particular Orixás, we contact the qualities and abilities we would like to have. It is good to know that there are several Umbanda lineages in Brazil, and so it is possible that the information we bring you that we have encountered in central Brazil will be slightly different in other parts of Brazil. There are sometimes differences of opinion, for example, about the colour of the candles that are lit by individual Orixás - for example, Ogum is sometimes blue, sometimes red. Therefore, if you use Orixás statues for your rituals and energy work, we recommend that you take our recommendations as inspiration, but ultimately it is you who develops your intuition and defines how you honor your Orixás.

How to work with Orixás archetypes for your personal development

The characteristics of the individual Orixás and the archetypes they represent easily lead to projections in meaning: This Orixá will help me win love, another will give me courage. And to some extent, that's okay - Orixás give us the strength and the necessary approaches to deal with our life situations. However, it is the underlying perception that leads us to animism.

We, in working on ourselves, offer you an approach to Orixás as impulses that come into our lives and show us something essential. They teach us on a moral and spiritual level.

"When we imagine that we are walking on the path of our lives, Orixá is like a horse that appears on the path and invites us to ride. When we agree, it adds another dimension to our life's journey."

If you're serious about studying Umbanda and Orixás, get yourself a white outfit, which is typical of Brazilian umbandistas. White symbolizes peace, purity and positive energy.

Learn more

Weight 400 g
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 20 cm


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