Heart Naked - Nicola Svandová

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To open a collection of poetry by Nicola Švandová is to meet the very perceptive gaze of a woman who went blind at the age of twenty-one, but still said yes to life. Her sensitive revelation of the depths of her own inner self through her love of life and nature will touch you and leave an imprint of something that transcends you, but which you know so intimately. It is a touch of authenticity, of truth, of the God we each carry within our own hearts. The Amazon rainforest and the South American Andes became her faithful guide on her journey through the inner landscape, which she visited repeatedly and fell in love with. Nature became her support in the dark night of her soul, where she found the true source of life, the eternal light, at the bottom of her soul.

By purchasing the book you will support the protection and conservation of the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador under the auspices of the Czech Forest.ink z.s. and the Ecuadorian Bosque Medicinal Foundation.

Release date: 2023
Published by: Pavel Pražak - Magda Publishing House
ISBN: 978-80-908891-2-5
Format / pages: 150×210, 64 pages

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Heart Naked - Nicola Svandová

Nicola is a very sensitive and spiritual poet who draws the reader into a deeper sense of self and the nature of life through the discovery of the natural connection between man and nature.

The book is enriched with photographs of her intuitive paintings, mostly created while dieting with Amazonian plants of power and the spirits of these plants, and short stories that capture the essence of the images imprinted on the canvas.

Nicola Švandová - Naked with the Heart
Nicola Švandová - Naked with the Heart

About the author:

Nicola Švandová is a young, courageous woman, a lawyer by profession, a gourmand at heart, a lover of nature, an intuitive painter, and otherwise a completely normal girl who sometimes takes life seriously and sometimes not at all.While studying at law school, she suffered a severe accident that left her blind. Painting and poetry has been her language of communication since childhood, but her main source of inspiration came with a trip to South America, where she was drawn into the diversity of life in the Amazon rainforest and the wisdom of the majestic Andes. The taste of a pristine natural paradise on earth became her main source of inspiration, along with local shamanism and various consciousness-awakening power plants. As she says, the rainforest allowed her to feel and see her authentic self in bold nakedness, so that she could manifest who she really is in honesty with herself and the world. 

The book Heart Exposed is her first book published under the auspices of Forest.ink z.s. She is donating the proceeds from the sale to Bosque Medicinal, an Ecuadorian foundation with Czech roots that works to protect and preserve the Amazon rainforest.

Release date: 2023
Published by: Pavel Pražak - Magda Publishing House
ISBN: 978-80-908891-2-5
Format / pages: 150×210, 64 pages
Language: Czech

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Weight 100 g
Dimensions 15 × 21 × 1 cm


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