Sage is a plant native to high desert ecosystems that grows primarily in California and the Mountain West. For hundreds of years, White Sage has been considered a sacred, purifying and protective plant. Its name has its roots in the Latin " salvia / salvare" which translates to "to save".
smudging is the sacred art of burning sage and similar herbs to create a purifying smoke and scent that can be used to cleanse negative energies from people and places. Blue sage can be used in ritual ceremony, house cleansing and purification blessing rituals, or simply for the pleasure of the scent.
How to do it
Cleansing rituals using burning sage can be both complex and easy, it's up to you. However, it is important that your intention is clear. If it is burned for the purpose of purifying a space or a person (i.e. also oneself), it is necessary that a person has it arranged in this way in his mind not only before ignition, but also during later inhalation of the fragrance at home or elsewhere in the space.
Light the end of the sage bundle. If it ignites, let it burn for a few seconds and then blow it out quickly. The ends of the leaves should smolder slowly and release a thick smoke. Hold the bundle with one hand and fan the smoke throughout the room with the other hand. Fan the smoke in the areas you want to focus on. The Sage will stop smoldering on its own if you don’t blow on it.
It is recommended to extinguish the sage in a fireproof bowl or, for example, in a bowl with rice.
Country of origin: Mexico
Size: 10 - 12 cm
Weight approx: 40 g

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