Sage White California – smudging bundle king-sized

290  incl. VAT

White Sage(Salvia apiana) is one of the most sacred Native American medicinal and ritual herbs for sending prayers, cleansing and calling the spirits of sacred plants. Sage is useful for ceremonial, protective, cleansing and empowering smudging. It effectively cleanses and disinfects the atmosphere, spaces, people, objects, aura, chakras and emotions of negative energies and brings bright light into one's life. In addition, it has significant healing, disinfecting and healing effects.
Its name has its roots in the Latin " salvia / salvare" which translates to "to save, to heal".

We pack the sage in a hard resealable tube with our painted Spirita Defumacao / spirit sticker smudging.

Country of origin: USA, California
Supplier: Matoska, California
Size: 23 – 25 cm
Weight approx.: 100g

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White Sage (Salvia apiana) is a plant native to high desert ecosystems that grows primarily in California and the Mountain West. For hundreds of years, White Sage has been considered a sacred, purifying and protective plant.
Its name has its roots in the Latin " salvia / salvare" which translates to "to save".

And indeed, White Sage is the most popular cleansing remedy not only of North American Indians, but is also found in other cultures. From the ancient Celtic Druids, who considered sage, along with plum twig, sacred herbs and used them as both incense and medicine, to the indigenous people of the Amazon, who still practice burning sage today. This herb is interwoven throughout our history, where it is invoked and revered. Already in ancient Rome, it was seen as a sacred tool that cures most diseases and restores health and the power of the Spirit. And also in the Bible, there is a reference to Solomon using smudging Sage to purify the temple.

The court nobility and King Louis XIV himself were convinced that the broth and medicinal tinctures of white Sage prolong life.
Sage was often dedicated to the highest deities, and only priests or shamans were allowed to touch it.

The Indians see the rising smoke and smudging as a very powerful tool and medicine. This is evidenced by what we have heard since childhood about the " peace pipe", but also simply by what we now see in the Amazon with shamans - for example, purifying smoke rituals where a person sits on a stool, herbs are heated and smoked underneath him, and he is covered with a blanket. Often these smudging works are done when someone is bewitched, sick, or has their "mind and heart " attacked by fear and negative energy.

This powerful and sacred herb is characterized by a very specific scent that when smudging quickly and effectively cleanses you, your aura, spaces and objects from all negative energies. In addition, it has strong healing, disinfecting, healing, protective and strengthening effects.

Sage gives a person wisdom, clarifies thinking and increases spiritual consciousness. That is why the same word in English is also used to refer to the sage – sage.

How to do it

Cleansing rituals using burning sage can be both complex and easy, it's up to you. However, it is important that your intention is clear. If it is burned for the purpose of purifying a space or a person (i.e. also oneself), it is necessary that a person has it arranged in this way in his mind not only before ignition, but also during later inhalation of the fragrance at home or elsewhere in the space.

Ignite the end of the sage bunch. If it ignites, quickly strain. The ends of the leaves should smolder slowly, releasing thick smoke. Direct this smoke with one hand to the space, and with the other hold the bundle. Let the fumigologist stay in the areas you want to focus on. Sage will stop smoldering on its own if you do not blow on it. 

It is recommended to extinguish the sage in a fireproof bowl or, for example, in a bowl with rice.


We pack the sage in a hard resealable tube with our painted Spirita Defumacao / Spirit smudging sticker.

This sage is directly from California from people who practice the traditional Teepee way, which means that the herbs are collected and prepared into bundles quite consciously.

Country of origin: USA, California
Supplier: Matoska, California
Size: 23 – 25 cm
Weight approx.: 100g

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Weight 20 g
Dimensions 16 × 10 × 3 cm
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