Juniper - smudging bundle small

140  incl. VAT

Most heating devices primarily cleanse negative energy. Juniper can also do this. However, juniper also attracts positive energy and creates a safe, protective, positive and healing space. Juniper berries are both energetically and physically detoxifying and centering. This is why they are added to healing teas and detoxifying scrubs, creams and oils.

Its hardiness and evergreen leaves have made it a symbol of endurance and protection. This symbolism extends to its use in traditional rituals, where burning juniper wood is believed to purify and cleanse the air and provide a shield against negativity.

Country of origin: Mexico
11 - 15 cm
30 - 40 g

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Juniper has had a wealth of uses in the spiritual world throughout history. It was burned to purify and encourage contact with the otherworldly world during the festival of Samhain at the beginning of the Celtic year. In central Europe, juniper smoke played a role in spring purification and the exorcism of witches. Juniper was also burned during plague epidemics.

Juniper's ancient magical properties include love/attraction, protection, luck, better vision, wisdom, prosperity and clarity. Juniper was popularly used in blessing and cleansing rituals. It also symbolizes good luck and protection.

Country of origin: Mexico
Size: 11 - 15 cm
Weight: 30 - 40 g

Sarava Smudging - juniper

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Weight 50 g
Dimensions 16 × 10 × 3 cm


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