Prayer for smudging
In the name of all Orixás, I smoke my house with the powers of the phalanxes, the spirits of light who will loosen our earthly plane. At this time I ask for the presence of the cabocles and the entities of the sea lineage to carry all the evil that may exist in this house into the depths of the oceans in the name of Iemanya. May the Ogum of the Seven Waves break the evil forces that may exist over my family.
The power of the pyramid
Known in ancient Egypt, the pyramids have mystical powers, catalyzing energy, radiating it powerfully and causing well-being, revitalization, regeneration, protection and even healing.
Their pyramidal shape resembles a triangle, a symbol of balance and direction in the search for harmony, peace and tranquility.
How to work with the heating element
- smudging cleanses the environment, cleanses the place and the unwanted energies that prevent us from developing.
- The space cleansed by the fireplace helps to open good paths and brings spiritual peace, greater concentration and focus on our goals.
- Place the heating prism on a plate or other non-combustible support and light it. Light the top first, wait a few minutes to see that it is burning.
- Remove negative thoughts from your mind before you start fuming.
- Say a prayer to your favorite saint or entity to whom you are devoted.
- Smoke whenever you can, as its effects are not eternal and bad energies can return at any time.
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