
Sangre de Drago – Dragon's Blood 20ml

Original price was: 199 CZK.Current price is: 149 CZK. incl. VAT


Dragon's blood, or as the Indians would say "Sangre de Drago" and botanists simply sap, comes from the Croton lechleri tree. Sangre de Drago is the "universal medicine" of the Amazon Indians. The drops can help with skin wounds, stomach ulcers, stomach ulcers, throat infections and infections in women's private parts. They can also help as a means of detoxifying the body and may even have antineoplastic (anti-tumor) effects. Simply put: they can act and help against a number of infectious and inflammatory diseases, support the immune system and can even help with skin wounds.

Fresh and packed 25.4.2023


Country of origin: Peru
Composition: 100% raw natural resin from Sangre de Drago tree (Croton lechleri)
Packaging: glass bottle with dropper
Volume: 20 ml


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This poduct is rapidly diminishing!

The special name "Sangre de Drago" was coined by the Spaniards who arrived in the Amazon in the 16th century. The sap from the Croton lechleri tree, which is a dark red liquid, reminded them strikingly of blood. You may be wondering, where's the dragon in all this? They saw the dragon in the seeds of this tree - small, round, hairy reddish fruits with soft seeds inside that resemble the aforementioned dragon. The Spanish priest and missionary , Father Bernabé Coho, explored the Amazon and, as a result, also noted the wide range of positive benefits that the Sangre de Drago brings to the Indians. He testified that the Indians used Sangre de Drago for literally all physical ailments. The "dragon's blood" was of similar value to the Indians as gold was to the gringos.

Amazonian tribes have used Sangre de Drago since time immemorial, as well as residents of Mexico, Peru and Ecuador. Dragon's blood or treeCroton  lechlerican  be found in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. This tree is up to 20 m tall, and yet its trunk is only 30 cm wide on average. It has large, heart-shaped and shiny leaves of green color and beautifulwhite-greenish   flowers.  The tree is rich in active alkaloids. Sangre de Drago is obtained from this tree by cutting the bark of the tree at dawn and the sap begins to flow out, after which it is immediately trapped in containers. Subsequently, it is stored and used either in liquid form or dried for use in powder form.
Thanks to the great interest in this medicine, more and more trees are planted, but we can assure you that the tree itself does not suffer during the responsible and perceptive  collection of Sangre de Drago.

In this giant among the Amazonian trees we find in Dragon's blood more than thirty alkaloids,among  them are alsotaspine  and betanin, powerful alkaloids that accelerate tissue regeneration and wound healing. Sangre de Drago has pronounced  healing and regenerative effects, but last but not least , its strength lies in its antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic abilities and effects. It is also  an immeasurably powerful natural antibiotic, which is even more powerful and emphatic than the well-known penicillin.

Drops are used for skin injuries, stomach ulcers, leg ulcers, throat infections, infections in women in intimate areas. They also  help as a means of detoxifying the body and even have antineoplastic effects (against tumors). Simply put, they act and help against a number of infectious and inflammatory diseases, support the immune system and are also effective against skin injuries.

In the Amazonian tradition, the use of Sangre de Drago has a very wide range of diseases, health problems and injuries. This beneficial sap of traditional South American medicine is used internally, but it is also applied externally.

The main uses of dragon's blood are:

  • skin injuries and skin problems;
  • inflammations, periodontitis, hemorrhoids;
  • stomach and intestinal problems, Crohn's disease;
  • respiratory infections, lung diseases, viral diseases;
  • pain, swelling;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • antifungal, antibacterial effect;
  • increase the body's defenses;
  • promoting regeneration and energy delivery;
  • beneficial effect on the central nervous system;
  • anti-stress and aphrodisiac effects.

This powerful sap of the Amazon rainforests has the ability to significantly strengthen the immune system, delay the aging process, regenerate  the body and protect DNA from damage. Scientific studies even  show that it has the ability to strengthen and regenerate liver tissue, damaged through  infection and toxins, for which our conventional medicine currently has a proposal for long-term strict diets in addition to transplantation.

Due to the fact that  it is a very powerful natural antibiotic, it is recommended to take Sangre de Drago for a maximum of 3 weeks, and then take a break for 1 week. Sangre de Drago is not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, and anyone suffering from serious kidney and liver diseases.

Use of drops:
Daily dosage is possible in 10 drops dissolved in 0.3 l of water. You candrink  this no more than3  times a day.

When used externally for wounds, warts, eczema, insect bites, etc., it is possible to drip a few drops into the palm of your hand, quickly rub them into a thick foam, and then apply this foam to the affected area. It is also possible to drip the liquid directly onto the "affected" area and let it dry.  You can rub the site like this 2 times a day.
If we use it as a gargle, gargle 30 drops, 3 – 5 times a day.

Please note that Sangre de Drago droplets get dirty a lot and get out of fabric and clothing 🙂 easily 

Country of origin: Peru
Composition: 100% raw natural resin from Sangre de Drago tree (Croton lechleri)
Packaging: glass bottle with dropper
Volume: 20 ml

PS. Thank you Anna Kadlecová for painting the Sangre de Drago tree for our bottle. 🙂

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Weight 70 g
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 8 cm


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