Sananga Extra Strong

444  incl. VAT

Sananga has been used for thousands of years by the indigenous people of Peru and Brazil. This powerful sacred tool of shamans, used for a variety of purposes, from balancing the physical body to spiritual ailments. It is used to purify the mind and energies and to gain a whole new form of perception and attitude.

Concentration: extra strong
Origin: Made by Indigenous Shawadawa 05/2024
5ml in a dropper bottle.

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This poduct is rapidly diminishing!

Sananga has various properties, it can help improve eyesight, help open the third eye and inner vision, illuminate subconscious patterns of the mind, can "break" mental or emotional "loops" and can be used to relieve headaches. Sananga is made from the bark and roots of the Tabernaemontana undulata shrub in particular.

Use: We recommend finding a quiet place, either in nature or at home in a quiet environment. The acute effects will disappear after 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, subtle effects and energetic recalibration may persist.

Shortly after application, there is a strong burning sensation and a release of energy and emotion throughout the body. These effects last for several minutes and can be alleviated by focusing attention on your breathing and visualizing the pain clearing the blocked energies.

The best way to work with Sananga is to surrender completely and relax as much as possible.

We recommend this product only to those who already have experience or someone who can fill them in. 🙂

Storage: Sananga should be stored in the refrigerator where it will last for about 2-3 months.
5ml in a dropper bottle.
Concentration: EXTRA STRONG


Sananga is not a substitute for Western medical treatment, if you have a serious health imbalance or illness, consult your doctor or other appropriate professional. This natural product is offered for its ethnographic and historical value and is supplied without express or implied fitness for any particular purpose. It is simply a raw botanical sample or a scientific sample. The information provided is purely for historical, scientific and educational purposes and should never be interpreted as a recommendation for specific use. Use and enjoyment of our product is at the customer's discretion, responsibility and risk. Please read our Terms and Conditions for more details.

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Weight 5 g
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 4 cm
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