Saravá CACAO Christmas set

1,333  incl. VAT

As many ancient cultures say" Cacao is the way of the sacred heart" We have created for you what we ourselves use when we dive into the power of cacao.These are the moments when we allow ourselves to take long moments of solitude, experience and rest, brew our cocoa, sing songs and give thanks for all that comes into the cycle of our lives and also into the space of SARAVA .

Ceremonial Cacao Criolo 100g
Abalon heating shells
Rapé Cacao 7g
Heating pad Povo da Mata
White California Sage - smudging bundle small
Krystal Brasileiro

Connecting with the power of the heart during the holiday season, Lucie and Štěpán wish you rest.


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Ceremonial Cacao Criolo 100g – Raw cocoa mass from Peru

100% cocoa mass from unroasted Criolo cocoa beans is a real delicacy full of nutrients and antioxidants. Our cocoa mass comes from farmer Don Felipe and is produced in his small manufactory in the Pucalpa area. Cacao Criollo, considered the "prince of cocoa", is used for cocoa ceremonies because of its strength and richness.

Content: 100% Raw Cacao Criollo(Theobroma cacao)
Country of origin: Amazonia, Peru, Pucalpa region
Packing: 100g

Abalone heating shells
Abalone shells are beautiful natural vessels smudging that will also grace your home altar with their pearlescent beauty.
Native Americans traditionally used shells to burn herbs such as White Sage or Yerba Santa or the sacred wood Palo Santo. Shells are a symbol of the water element. Together with the herbs, the element of earth and burning, or fire, and finally with smoke, the element of air, the heating ritual becomes complete.

Rapé Cacao

Rapé Cacao is made from the ashes of the Theobroma cacao tree and other Amazonian herbs. This Rapé energetically revitalizes all chakras with special emphasis on the solar plexus and third eye. Its loving yet powerful energy helps open our system and tune into higher vibrations. We ourselves have been amazed at his kindness and heart-opening power 🙂 .

Povo da Mata heater

The heater was designed for Povo da Mata.
The Povo da Mata, or People of the Rainforest, heater brings the energy of the indigenous people of the rainforest and their connection to nature, medicine and the consciousness of a community living deep in the womb of nature away from civilization.

Number of pyramids in the package: 20
Height of one pyramid: 3,5 cm
Burning time: approx. 45 min
Ingredients: essential oils, aromatic plants, sawdust and resins.

Sage White California – smudging bundle small

White Sage(Salvia apiana) is one of the most sacred Native American medicinal and ritual herbs for sending prayers, cleansing and calling the spirits of sacred plants. Sage is useful for ceremonial, protective, cleansing and empowering smudging. It effectively cleanses and disinfects the atmosphere, spaces, people, objects, aura, chakras and emotions of negative energies and brings bright light into one's life.
Its name has its roots in the Latin " salvia / salvare" which translates to "to save, to heal".

We wrap the sage in a paper bag with our painted Spirita Defumacao / spirit sticker smudging.

Country of origin: USA, California
Supplier: Matoska, California
Size: 11 - 15 cm
Weight: 15 - 20 g

Krystal Brasileiro

A crystal from Cerado, Brazil. These crystals come from the plateau of the Brazilian Alto Paraiso (high paradise). This plateau is extremely rich in crystals of all types and colors. It is the source of most of the Amazonian rivers. That is why Ceradó in the Alta region is a land of magnificent waterfalls. of breathtaking nature and high vibrations.

Each crystal is unique, so it is impossible to choose a specific piece, but they are all more or less the same size and beautiful 🙂

The crystal will be sent to you in a hand-sewn bag that Lucie has made for you.

Average crystal size: height 2,5 cm / width 1,5 cm

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Weight 250 g
Dimensions 22 × 13 × 5 cm


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